
From the Romanian forest with a heavy heart

Într-o duminică plec cu prietenul meu Victor Menaschez, cel mai mare sportiv din Cârlibaba, spre Lacul Lala – un lac glaciar în Munții Rodnei, la o altitudine de aproape 2000 de metri – cea mai populară destinație turistică din zona noastră. Alegem să urcăm pe traseul Pârâul Lala, fiind cel mai frumos, printr-o pădure străveche, […]

From the Romanian forest with a heavy heart Read More

Romania - the best of both worlds!

În timp ce românii au plecat în masă în străinătate, un fenomen opus are loc – mulți străini se stabilesc în România. Presa română caută, poate exagerez, un pic nevrotic, o explicație pentru fenomen: ce caută acești străini la noi? Mulți străini stabiliți în România au fost chemați la televiziune, au dat interviuri, au scris

Romania - the best of both worlds! Read More

Eastern europa and the price of our condecendence (written for Dutch public)

(Textul original scris pentru publicul olandez.) Acum patru ani, m-am mutat din Olanda în România. Răspunsul cel mai scurt la întrebarea de ce este – „circumstanțe familiale”. „Cum sa simte schimbarea asta?” – de obicei răspund cu – ca o experiență de deschidere a minții, cu excepția zilelor în care se strecoară îndoiala și termenul

Eastern europa and the price of our condecendence (written for Dutch public) Read More

When Romanian tourists advice me to attract foreign tourists to Carlibaba for wintersport I smile politely - how can we compete with the Alps, where every village has ski-slopes, all connected very efficiently

After a summer full of tourists in Malu' Bistriței, I am now in Balchik, finishing what remains to be written about tourism development in Romania. Here, in the gardens of Queen Maria's palace, I am glad that the Bulgarians have taken care of Romanian heritage, and I wonder – couldn't the same have happened in the Saxon villages of Romania?

When Romanian tourists advice me to attract foreign tourists to Carlibaba for wintersport I smile politely - how can we compete with the Alps, where every village has ski-slopes, all connected very efficiently Read More

As a Dutchman living in Romania I see the Romanian roads full of expensive cars and the IQ of their drivers up till average, it's not that I feel outsmarted, I would rather say out-"schemed".

On the way to Cârlibaba, I'm listening to the radio: 'Mrs. Teacher,' the reporter asked on the radio during a program about the teacher's strike, 'many would consider a net salary of 6,800 lei (around 1400 euro) to be a decent salary, wouldn't they?' After a moment or two of silence, Mrs. Teacher responded uncertainly, repeating the word 'decent' with half a question mark, and then continued, 'decent, I don't know, it just doesn't seem to be enough anymore.

As a Dutchman living in Romania I see the Romanian roads full of expensive cars and the IQ of their drivers up till average, it's not that I feel outsmarted, I would rather say out-"schemed". Read More

Heart of Transylvania, about heritage protection and tourism

We have been looking forward to this moment all winter – to arrive in Metis, (a Saxon village not far from Agnita) – we throw open the windows and shutters, sunlight and the freshness of spring take over the house instantly. This house was build by Saxons 200 years ago, with its thick stone walls, an arched cellar and a walled garden, situated in the upper corner of the village, hidden under two huge linden trees, as old as the house itself.

Heart of Transylvania, about heritage protection and tourism Read More